800 Show - Outcomes & Strategic Review of People-Oriented Approach
The occasion of the 10th Opening Anniversary of 800 Show Cultural and Creative Industry Park presented the opportunity to evaluate the project life-cycle since its initiation.
We conducted a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) to review and evaluate 800 Show life-cycle after 10 years of occupancy and operations. The research utilized a combination of qualitative methods, such as interviews and observations, and analytical tools such as surveys conducted among project stakeholders: design, construction, and management representatives as well as current Park users, like occupiers and event organizers.
Believing that a project can succeed only when it satisfies the needs of the final users, the research elaborates on the “People-Oriented Methodology” as a strategic thinking tool for place making and property operations.
The white paper outline mainly includes project understanding, design strategies and implemented actions, the construction process review and three management operational pillars. Additionally, it introduces a summary of the outcomes after 10 years of occupancy and a framework of inputs for the development of future ideas.
Design to truly embrace the needs of the users. With this vision, how to redevelop the site? Who to design for? How to solve site accessibility and traffic circulation? How to revitalize abandoned spaces? How to design an open, diverse and inclusive place? These are the main questions to address before the design.
The adaptive reuse project combined creative offices, leisure and culture functions organized in three functional zones, with the main hall as the spine. The iconic event hall represents the brand of the place. As a city destination for culture, the main hall is rented for cultural and creative events, and provides flexible spaces, public areas, backstage areas and service rooms for event organizers.
The site hosts 15 buildings that have been built over 50 years for a metalworking factory. The designer addressed the diversity of building styles keeping their original character under one common language while using modern industrial materials and adding artistic elements.
With a strategy of “10+ things-to-do”, the designer provided multiple spaces and the property management selected a variety of dining, leisure and entertainment options.
Meanwhile, the urban plaza and high-quality outdoor spaces provide an atmosphere of integration, openness, and integration with the neighborhood community.
Urban renewal projects are generally far more complex than new construction projects. The construction phase of 800 Show is a showcase of the challenges faced in the early days of urban renewal due to the lack of previous experience. Joint efforts from all stakeholders overcame the difficulties of unpredictable structures on the site, the lack of original drawings, and the difficulty of implementation. Different intervention strategies were adopted, such as decoration and renovation. It took nearly 2 years to complete the construction.
The management and operations work can be described through "three major operating pillars":
● People-oriented, with tenants and users in the park as the priority, together with the integration with the surrounding community.
● Clear industry focus on fashion, creativity and new creative industries, culture and design.
● Strong cultural orientation, carefully selecting the events according to their industry positioning and targets.
In conclusion, the outcomes of 800 Show after ten years, show that the Park maintains a significant resilience and inherent flexibility. "800 Show" is recognized by existing users as a high-quality workplace and as a consolidated urban cultural landmark. Compared with other similar parks, the life cycle of the 800 Show is extended and it is still a growing Park.